全合成5W40 SAE 5W40 - 潤皇有限公司 全合成5W40 SAE 5W40. 規格介紹: API SM/CF, ACEA C3/06, MB22935, BMW Long Life-04. 詳細介紹: 包裝:. 1L X 12. 說明: 1. 符合德國保時捷車廠認證; ...
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RAVENOL VSI SAE 5W-40 - Ravenol RAVENOL VSI SAE 5W-40 is a future oriented engine oil which allows a fuel ... In order to guarantee the low viscosity of the SAE-class 5W as well as only a ...
RAVENOL VMO SAE 5W-40 - Ravenol RAVENOL VMO SAE 5W-40. MID SAPS. RAVENOL VMO SAE 5W-40 is universal fully synthetic low friction motor oil based on PAO Poly-alpha-olefins. Special ...
TITAN GT1 SAE 5W-40 XTL® - Fuchs. TITAN GT1 SAE 5W-40 is a premium engine oil for passenger cars and vans utilising the new XTL-Technology®. The innovative XTL-Technology® offers high ...
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5W-30 - 瑞時實業股份有限公司 5W-40 SYNTHETIC ENGINE OIL(合成引擎油),SAE 5W-40是一種機油目的在給未來引擎燃料的效率和經濟運用。以保證低黏質的SAE 5W-等級與低揮發性的合成引擎油,SAE 5W-40完全地包含所有的合成基本油,它有符合最新引擎世代高科技要求。
TITAN SUPERSYN SAE 5W-40 - Fuchs. The world’s largest independent lubricant manufacturer, providing a full range of products inc. Engine Oils, Cutting Fluids and Industrial Lubricants. ... The good cold flow properties of TITAN SUPERSYN SAE 5W-40 ensures rapid lubrication to all parts of
機油5w-50 - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ SAE 5W/40 SAE 10W/50 SAE 5W/50 目前大多數車主使用複級機油,因為複級機油在低 溫度下黏度足夠低,使引擎啟動更為容易,而且在 高溫時黏度亦能保持穩定,能有效的保護引擎,避 ...